Extracts from publications and press
The coexistence between humans and urban and domestic pigeons is mainly characterised negatively. Humans often (politically or culturally) characterise the domestic pigeon as a pest instead of taking into account its situation and origin as a domestic animal made homeless by humans. In the following article, I will analyse the coexistence of humans and domestic pigeons in more detail, as well as the residence rights that humans grant or rather deny the pigeon.
Article in TIERethik
Book chapter "Introduktion to sustainable development leadership and strategies in higher education"
Since the financial crisis, there has been ongoing debate about market weaknesses and the training of tomorrow’s business leaders. Leadership education must tackle difficult global, technical, and ethical challenges. In this chapter, the author wishes to clarify how teaching institutions must innovate to deal with these problems and contribute to a sustainable future.
Podcast "The domestic pigeon and humans"
When did the animal become a thing for man, something he can rule over and destroy? Why is the one dear and worth caressing, the other disgusting and eradicable?
How does the pigeon go from being a holy spirit, a lucky charm and the former positive representation to the rat of the air?
Can humans take responsibility - and if so, what does it take?
Find out more in the Das Radiofabrik interview with philosopher Anna Faix.
Book chapter in "Leadership - transdisciplinary writings"
Sustainability seems to be one of the core topics of our time in view of the actual global crises and challenges. The social and political demand for more sustainability is sometimes placed on companies and their management [Rusinko 2017] and thus creates new challenges in the global context. Since sustainability is thus also a trend, more and more companies are putting it on their flags. Behind these flags of sustainability, however, many companies are doing “business as usual” and often come into conflict with the social and ecological concerns they have set for themselves.